BSM Pump - Pumpac with Motor Driven Rotar Gear Pumps

BSM Pump – Pumpac with Motor Driven
The precision-built, positive displacement pump has heat treated steel gears supported by substantial bearings to ensure continuous service. Pump shaft seal requires no adjustment. Motor is continuous duty type. Rabbeted assembly guarantees accurate alignment of pump and motor. Drive is through flexible coupling. Rigid welded sheet steel tank, 16 or 32 gallons, has tank cover plate supporting pump and motor resting on rubber gasket for vibration free service. Without disturbing pump assembly or piping, an access cover can be easily removed to check strainer and condition of oil. Return lines extending below liquid level and a baffle in tank are supplied to prevent turbulence. Other standard built-in extras include a pressure gage, relief valve, strainer, and suction piping to pump, also a bypass line from relief valve to tank. When ordering, specify pump number, RPM, H.P., and tank capacity desired.