Deming - Column & Non-Clog Sump Pumps

Deming – Column & Non-Clog Sump Pumps
Deming Non- Clog Vertical Column Sump Pumps are designed to handle various fluids from drainage water or any liquid waste containing small, non-fibrous solids to larger industrial processes. Their advanced design provides trouble-free service and low-cost operation.
- Always primed
- Compact Simplex or Duplex Design
- Leak proof
- Adjustable impeller
- Vented or vapor tight construction
- Extensions for pit depths from 2 to 20 feet
- Utilize standard C-face motors
- Cast iron or 316SS construction (4500)
- High temperature applications
- Elevator pits
- Basements
- Sump drainage
- Flood control
- Storm water
- Industrial process
- Condensation control
- Power plants
- General dewatering service