EcoTRAN Low-Pressure Sewer System
Barnes Pressure Sewer System offers a solution to the residential market for new or existing sewer needs. The EcoTRAN™ Grinder Pump System preserves groundwater ecology by collecting and grinding residential sewage in an enclosed underground basin system and transmitting the waste under pressure to a remote private or municipal waste treatment plant. The unit is easily installed and maintained as well as aesthetically pleasing. The EcoTRAN system comes equipped with the all-new Barnes Razor, an axial grinder pump fit for a new-age waste stream.
- Aesthetically pleasing rock-shaped covers
- Basin Entry is never required as all maintenance requirements are top-side
- Simple installation
- UL and CSA Listed (Consult Factory for details)
- Pump NSF Approved
- No field adjustment is required because operating levels are factory preset.
- Residential Sewage