Gusher Multi-Stage Horizontal Pumps

Gusher Multi-Stage Horizontal Pumps
- Rugged Grade 30 Cast Iron Construction.
- Built-in Mounting Flange.
- Balanced Mechanical Seal.
- Above Mounting Flange Discharge.
- Greased For Life Bearings.
- Standard Motors are 3 Phase, 230/460 Volt, 3450 RPM, and TEFC. 3/4” NPT and 1 1/4” NPT Discharge
- Available in Base mounted or other Mounting Style
- Offers Dual Discharges.
- One for low volume and high pressure, one for high volume and low pressure.
- Both are driven by one common motor.
- Available up to 36” of immersion with intermediate bushing.
- Standard models available with column tank, with flanged or threaded intake for exterior tank mounting.